Healthy Living: Lifestyle modification can prevent recurrence of Stomach Ulcer.

Stomach ulcer also known as Peptic Ulcer disease is one condition most people are familiar with.It is .It can either be gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer and they are both associated with symptoms like heartburn or severe pain radiating throughout the upper portion of the body. Ulcer can caused by a bacteria called Helicobacter pylori or by use of Non Steroidal Anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS).

Once diagnosed and the necesary treatment initiated by a Physician, most ulcers will heal within 2-3 weeks after treatment. In order to prevent recurrence which may become a chronic problem, certain lifestyle changes has to be made. It is important that :

  • An Ulcer patient should avoid cigarette and tobacco smoking, Alcohol.
  • Foods or substances that appear to cause irritation to the digestive system should be avoided. Such foods may differ with individuals. One has to watch out for his specific food aggravators which may include Spicy foods, fried foods, cold drinks, hot drinks, fruits such as oranges, lime, grapes, pineapple. Banana, PawPaw, Watermelon, Vegetable are recommended for an ulcer patient.
  • One should also avoid staying hungry for long hours. Fasting and starvation may worsen ulcer pains.
  • Consult a Physician or a Pharmacist before taking any medication.
  • Natural unprocessed honey, garlic has been shown to possess curative power.
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